Monday, December 29, 2014


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New Year! 2015!


What better way to celebrate the new year than with glitter!!! These nails just scream new year, new me.
Like most people I have a lot of New Years resolutions, you know the usual be healthier, try new things, organize my home; you know the normal things! Ha! But what is it about the new year that makes us all want to turn over a new leaf?
I hope that 2015 is a great year for us all!!! I also hope that great things happened in 2014 and continue to happen for you all in up coming years!
Ps. Sorry for getting exclamation mark (!!) crazy!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Snowman Nails

I have to say that by far, these nails were the most difficult to create. THEY TOOK ME 3 HOURS!!!!

I must have done my index finger about 3 or four times and my middle finger twice! The easiest design was the actual snowman!

This design was done with a nail art brush that I managed to cut to make it much thinner than it originally was.

Watch the video to recreate these nails!